Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)

Storypost | 2017.07.22

Finished a few things this month, the first of which was a resurface job on the pool. It wasn't in bad shape, but since I'd drained it I figured I'd go ahead and apply a new layer of epoxy. The canopy made all of this considerably easier, although epoxy in an enclosed area has some disadvantages.

The main game ended as you would expect, but the dlc was quite a surprise - a huge open world with... buggies:

Storypost | 2017.06.09
Killing Floor 2

Since Dying Light was just a bit too cerebral for two-day gamefest, J and I mixed in some Killing Floor 2.

In a way, it's a spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead 2. It's a team-based zombie survival experience where if you go solo you will quickly die and doom your team.

Review | 2017.04.21
The calm

Mark brought Civ into the office and we've played through it twice. It's pretty amazing - it captures the spirit of the franchise while making it tabletop-able and adding a few elements that don't exist in the computer game.

Storypost | 2017.03.31

Two work trips this month. Luckily, there's Fire Emblem Fates, Liar's Dice, and some awesomely-named beers.

For Jes's bday we did an AirBnB out near Barona. The views were pretty epic and the property had dogs, goats, horses, and a pig.

Long travel weeks have meant r&r in the man cave. Luckily, ME:A came out this month. Some thoughts...