Borderlands (2009)

Storypost | 2019.06.30
Beating the heat

J and I blasted through the Borderlands GOTY DLC. We were impressed, once again, by the ambition of the Knoxx DLC and the hilarity of the Claptrap saga.

Storypost | 2019.06.01
Back to it

The long-awaited re-release of Borderlands 1 on PS4 has given J and I a huge wave of nostalgia. The game definitely holds up.

Listpost | 2017.12.27
J's top ten video games

As avid historians of video games, J and I have a pretty good depth and breadth of experiences. This'll be my first attempt at a list feature [l], written in 2019 but backdated to 2017 when he actually authored the list. Also it's actually a top eleven due to a last-minute addition/re-think.

The list demonstrates a pretty good breadth of experiences, I like that it covers the sandboxes, the RPGs, the cinematic games on rails, and of course the MMOFPSRPGs.

Preview | 2011.10.30

And the weekend before Las Vegas was DC, or Borderlands rather, on account of linked xboxes and very little to do in suburban Virginia. We covered almost all of the dlc: