Dragon Age: Origins (2009)

Storypost | 2009.12.10

Last weekend was Connie's shower. Since two thirds of the organizers were dudes, it was reasonably palatable for Ryan and the numerous male invitees.

Decorations were in abundance and we played a lightning round of baby taboo.

We bought a lot of food, but the highlight was Jes's fondant ducks that nobody wanted to destroy by eating.

Presents, yeah.

I did a quick shoot beforehand to make a 12x18 that guests could sign.

This evening the roomies and I got a tree.

Storypost | 2009.11.26

Two weekends ago was a trip out east to the Commonwealth. J and I co-opped Army of Two, ODST, and New Mario, start to finish on consecutive days. Monday featured some epic Halo firefight scenarios. Of course we mixed it up with some MST, Always Sunny, and a trip to the Dulles air museum. Mandy was awesome throughout, and filled me in on some of the great new J-isms that I've missed.