PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (2017)

Storypost | 2025.03.05

I finally got around to ticking another film off my finance watchlist. Since Rogue Trader is freely available, I put it on while I slogged through the refactoring discussed below.

Gallerypost | 2024.06.24
New unlocks

Some thoughts on my second runs of BG3 and Remnant II. Also a little PUBG twisted metal action.
PUBG has been good for vehicle action.

Storypost | 2024.05.05

I haven't played Helldivers 2 since we last spoke (not for lack of desire) but caught wind of this weekend's spicy controvery. I have gotten a few Remnant II and PUBG sessions in.
With Cattle's man-closet up and running, we've scraped a little bit of the PUBG rust off.

Storypost | 2023.09.18
Rare finds

I think I figured it out: no one in BG3 is sympathetic. Even the eagle - noblest of birds - is ill-tempered, particularly when my party pathfinds over her nest. Don't get me wrong, I like games that aren't all black and white, but since everyone's a zealot in BG3, I'm not sure I can stay neutral for long. (And not indecisive-neutral, more like I-distrust-all-of-you-neutral).

Review | 2023.08.12

Me and J have gotten a little more FO76 in and the PUBG squad still likes dropping C4 from gliders.

Review | 2023.06.09

I've been a fan of the GTA series since II but never got around to playing V. Since the PUBG squad was looking to introduce a little variety, we decided to try GTAO.

Storypost | 2023.05.28

New to PUBG:

Infopost | 2023.04.16
Michael Bay area

The PUBG video editor: basics and best practices.
Handbrake converts the webm format that the PUBG replay editor exports to an mp4. It also lets me mute the messed up webm audio.

Storypost | 2023.03.27

There's been way too much illness recently. Still, we managed to assemble some lawn chairs and catch an hour of robotics (Go Cows!).

The squad is all about car chases now.

The glider is great for birddogging other vehicles. One of our goals is to have a solid glider + car vs car combat.

Bridge camping is always good fun. I think we're going to try to time a grenade spam on some unsuspecting vehicle. Possibly with C4.

Gallerypost | 2023.03.02

Some recent vehicular highlights:

I can't really criticize considering I tried to full auto them with a red dot at that range.

Car-versus-car action and M249 mag dumps.

Cattle will be the first to tell you that he didn't actually hit anything from the glider. But he got damn close. Camping the bridge is always fun (except when no one shows up, then it's unfun), it's better with air support.

Gallerypost | 2023.02.23
Battle royale

Cause it's still fun and for lack of a better lolbaters game, we're still doing a couple PUBG drops per week.

Infopost | 2022.08.19

After some interesting reads, I implemented a convolution+pooling block inspired by ResNet. It looks like this:

Historically I've thrown together models on the fly (like a lot of example code). Having (somewhat erroneously, read on) decided that batch normalization and dropout are good to sprinkle in everywhere, I combined them all into a single subroutine that can be called from main(). It also forced me to name my layers.

Storypost | 2022.07.29

Having finished the terrace, I'm on to the next childproofing/renovation project. I replaced a rotting wood deck railing with adult-spaced steel cable years ago. I spaced them at 6" so that adding another set of wires would bring the gap down to the prescribed 3".

While steel cable opens the view, I like the look of redwood better.

Storypost | 2021.10.10

PUBG unveiled bot league 2.0 (casual mode) recently. It populates the field with three real teams and 22 bot teams. For casuals like the lolbate squad, this is pretty good for setting up early-, mid-, or late-game battles without running into a skilled/cheating squad that ruins your day.

Storypost | 2021.08.26

And finally, I threw together another PUBG mashup, now with more C4:

Storypost | 2021.06.02

PUBG renovated Miramar, adding an ATV and anti-materiel rifle. The graphical model updates aren't bad, but like the Sanhok update somebody thought it'd be a good idea to crank saturation up to the max. It's painful on the eyes.

Storypost | 2021.05.08

Still getting a little PUBG in, working the meme strats. We had a little four-boat flotilla on a rainy afternoon in Sanhok. Then with three still-living dudes and three buggies, we did a tandem jump over the cliff house by Mansion.

Storypost | 2021.04.06

Hey, I got it. First dose, anyway.

It was a bit of a twisting path, to recap:

Even my company sent a broadcast email highlighting that medical eligibility was self-policed. It was an ethical quandary: do I just fudge it since I grazed eligibility in a handful of different ways? As always, I turned to 4chan for guidance.

Storypost | 2021.02.09

Failing miserably is something that everyone does from time to time. They either obsess over it or pretend to grow from it while quietly obsessing over it. Sometimes the fails aren't of the "I did the right thing and didn't succeed" flavor but more of the "I know better but still did it" flavor. The beginning of February has been pretty faily in kilroysville, but I see it as an opportunity to grow.

Infopost | 2021.01.02
The next break

It's 2021 now. Not too different from 2020 but people are more optimistic.

A new calendar year is a chance to take a look at the year I started actively investing. Etrade provides a helpful comparison to indexes, but it isn't particularly useful due to the inseparable inclusion of ESPP.

Luckily, I can do simple maths:

It's probably not useful to look at long-term holds, so I didn't include those.

Infopost | 2020.12.25
Staying warm by the fire

PUBG (80%) bot league has opened the door to some slightly looser play. We've gone from meme drops (Hacienda Heist, Ferry Pier, Cave, Train) to meme strategies - mostly involving C4.
Being the only wall-penetrating, large-AOE weapon in PUBG, C4 is great for clearing out players that are holed up in buildings. But you can also stick it to a vehicle and thereby surprise your opponents... just as long as you're not particularly attached to your own fate.

Storypost | 2020.12.12
On lock

The covid surge that everyone expected after Thanksgiving has hit. Jes is busy at work. I can get by with games, streaming, jogging, and taking the dog out.

80% bots is a bit too much, but the final circle makes for some good team-on-team battles now that skill levels are balanced.

Kind of worried that I have a 1% chance of losing vs a bye.

Gallerypost | 2020.12.06
Edges and corners

Kshot linked a few cool things. There's a site to watch yourself get killed by streamers or, less frequently, enjoy their disgust when you knock them. And PUBG Lookup has a lot of cool match metrics, including show how many real players were fighting for that chicken dinner.

Storypost | 2020.11.29

A few months back I eulogized PUBG. Turns out, covid combined with a lack of attractive alternatives brought the squad back. Not much has changed in the game, we've learned to live with the bots and appreciate the game's marginally better stability.

Storypost | 2020.05.31

Cattle has decided to quit PUBG and I am inclined to agree.
PUBG has done a few things over the years to keep interest in the game. A few examples:
Now they've made two major changes. The garbage AIs that were introduced with PUBG Mobile are now in the PC version. Theoretically it's nice to have easier targets from which you can farm loot before encountering real players in the later stages of the game. But it feels like the kiddie pool.

Storypost | 2020.03.14
Fourteen days later

The PUBG squad has had some good runs but not yet tried out the panzerfaust.

Infopost | 2020.03.01
Wild week

Just when I thought I'd experienced most of what PUBG had to offer (except for the feeling of being good), the crew finally got to drive around Sanhok in the APC. I found a flare gun at Back Boat (north side of Ha Tinh) and fired it off at the edge of the bubble, crucially when the HUD said an APC was available.

Storypost | 2020.02.11

Derrick, Jon, and I went to Whistler this year.

Oakland on the way up, San Jose on the way back, Seattle to Whistler by car. It was lengthy travel, but generally painless.

Shasta and Rainier provided some neat views on the flight up, Fire Emblem provided the entertainment.

Going with snowboarders inevitably means most of the trip is spent waiting for them to finish click-click-clicking.

Infopost | 2020.01.26
Neural fails

I did some more Keras dabbling since there was cold weather and time off. I continued down the autoencoder thread that I'd explored a bit previously.

To recap

Storypost | 2020.01.04
P-games only

Some of the PUBG crew bought in-development Post-Scriptum about a year ago. It was on the shelf for a while, but Cattle and I decided to give it another go. It doesn't seem to have changed much - it still has all of the complex, deliberate gameplay that is its hallmark. Of course this makes the game hard to play casually and it's hard to go deep into a game you're not sure you're going to continue playing.

Storypost | 2019.06.30
Beating the heat

The Women's World Cup and Gold Cup have offered some exciting and anxiety-inducing soccer.

It was time to drain and refill the pool.

I concreted in the light housing.

The GBES event this month was Gravity Heights. Finally, an alternative to Karl Strauss in the Sorrento Area, dog friendly too.

The pizza is phenomenal.

I was shocked and dismayed to find that Lightning Jack's closed.

Storypost | 2019.06.01
Back to it

There's been a bit of PUBG action. I don't remember dropping dino park during an aurora, it's very pleasant.

Listpost | 2019.04.01
Top ten games

A long while back, J sent me his top ten video games of all time per an ongoing discussion about such matters. It took me some time to furnish my own, but I have at last.

Storypost | 2019.01.27

2019 has been all work and all play.

Project needs dictated that I can take a quick trip out east, so I squeezed in a stop at J's place for some video games, brew tasting, and quality time with the fam.

The NFC championship started as I got to the airport and Patriots-Chiefs game finished as I was getting to J's place. The games were exciting enough that the dude next to me took out a light while celebrating a Goff interception.

Storypost | 2018.12.22

The PUBG snow map dropped this week. After a bunch of squad and some solo, I've played the map all of once.

Storypost | 2018.11.25
Looking back/forward

A year after going tankless it was time to flush the heat exchanger. At Ted's recommendation, Pops originally installed it with isolation valves, so hooking it up to a pump would be a wrench-free affair.

I picked up a pump on amzn and with that it was a pretty quick and straightforward procedure:

Storypost | 2018.11.04

I pretty much maxed out my video editing skill combined with all there is to see in PUBG that isn't eyebleedingly boring. But then the crew and I were cruising through Cobreria and got into a fun little bit of vehicle-on-vehicle action.

Storypost | 2018.08.30

Lolbaters have gotten a good amount of pubg in.

Review | 2018.08.04

Weeknight pubg sessions are still going. I finally put together a gameplay summary for the uninitiated:

Storypost | 2018.07.23

The Lolbaters crew is getting a fair amount of PUBG in. Even the worst of us can get a kill or two per night, progress.

Storypost | 2018.06.20

The real impetus of the hardware upgrade was really poor frame rates at the other game we play, *groan* PUBG. It's fun, in a slightly masochistic way.

Storypost | 2018.06.12

Wanting a chicken dinner shirt, I thought I'd try my hand at PUBG mobile. Controls were... not easy. I did not win the shirt.