The Last of Us Part 2 (2020)

Storypost | 2020.09.13
Hot start

Pretty fun football this weekend. I have to agree with Rich Gannon however, the fake crowd noise is just silly.

Week 1 went well so I'll post about it, but with some commentary about having drafted TE/DEF/K earlier than most.

Storypost | 2020.07.26

Still waiting on the lens, I've made headway on the monopod. I won't cut the main pole until I know how high the lens sits, but I assembled the stem piece.

Review | 2020.06.24
The Last of Us Pt. II

Saturday I put the remodeled media room to good use with some socially-responsible zombie killing. The Last of Us Pt II was released on Friday; the long-awaited follow up to a game that ranked third on J's all time list and fell just behind Metal Gear Solid on mine.

Quick outline:

Storypost | 2020.06.15
Choose your home adventure

Having bigger fish to fry, I hadn't really touched the media room in about ten years, aside from swapping some electronics and furniture. It seemed like a modest house project was in order when we hit reopening stage 2.5. The plan centered around repainting a darker, more cinematic color and moving the audio wiring from being exposed to hidden behind moulding.

Storypost | 2018.06.12

The usual routine didn't work out so well. Between a broken down Metrolink on the way back and an unfortunate fatal incident on the tracks going north, I spent eight hours on the train to three hours at the expo.