Gallerypost | 2005.12.18
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ChinaPhotos from two weeks in China. |
SetsGood-sized sets, lifeguards, and dolphins in Del Mar. |
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XP hikeHiking Pine Hills and then cross-processing. |
Available lightI studioed the garage, tried to avoid flash to cut down on post-production background woes. I'm adding to the list of reasons I need a bigger garage. |
A story told by portraitsFour glorious hours in the darkroom. I toned these because monochrome just doesn't look good on a monitor, it's all bluish and you can't see detail. |
Cross Processed Kodak Ektachrome | Wendy Laurel PhotographyI wanted to try some images of Cross processed Kodak Ektachrome. When Kodak asked me to shoot their new Kodak Ektachrome 120 for their relaunch, I did. |