Santa brought me the four gig e260. It's compact (i.e. very portable/small screen).
- Design: Small, sleek, solid.
- Interface: The software is excellent. Very intuitive, virtually every option I could hope for. The requisite scroll wheel is a bit tall (taking feel away from the up/down/left/right buttons), but completely liveable.
- Components: Flash memory, solid state, superb. Sharp, colorful screen. Thus far it seems to have a great battery life. But wait, it can only be charged via USB. Argh! Quite a shot to portability and battery life, oh well.
- Performance: I've gotten a couple ten second-ish hangs, hmm.
Skagen Black Titanium Watch |
Sexy sexy sexy.
Simple, black, very thin. Ti with with a stainless steel chain link band.
I just realized
I'm 24 and I've never been out of this hemisphere. What the hell have I been doing all this time?
I aim to resolve this, in Fall '07 or '08, or Spring '07. I'm considering the logistics of
a trip southward, one that would combine my primary pasttimes.
- The trip down would be coastal, allowing for a thorough sampling of Pacific surf spots, from Baja to Chile.
- There would be an excellent photo account of the trip.
- We'd ride.
- (I'd bring a gameboy for the downtime.)
There are some clear incompatibilities, such as:
- You can't carry a board on a bike.
- Bikes are easy to jack, your camera gear would be unprotected.
- Pricey camera gear doesn't do well in South America.
Well you can't spell 'adventure' without the... errr... p-r-o-b-l-e-m-s-o-l-v-i-n-g.
But in the end
it's doable and would be fun, like that movie Easy Rider. Except replace the chrome with KLRs (pictured), coca with immodium, hippie commune with surf shack, N'Orleans with Rio, hairy naked chicks with smooth naked chicks, and downer ending with ice cream.
Well sort of. No sooner do I take shots at gblogger's stagnation than they
de-beta it and add tagging. I'll keep the [topics] around, if for no other reason than to confuse
In the interest of a favorable information architecture, I'm categorizing all of my posts. Perhaps someday it'll be deprecated by
tagging or some other cool interface idea, but hey, it's a 'beta' and that's an excuse.
- [r]eview: props or complaints about something or someone
- [p]review: something I'm anticipating
- [i]nfo: an fyi, a useful tidbit you might not know, picked up from school/work/Erik/Ted...
- [s]tory: something you might care to hear
- [h]umor: acceptable comments - lol, lolz, lmao, rotfl, lmmfao, rotflmao
- [a]rgument: a view on a social issue, heavy on the logic, light on the opinion
- [m]eta: a post about posting, trippy
- [g]allery: mostly images