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RoguesRogue Trader, rogue trading, rogue code and renovation projects, and some Mad Max-y boardgaming.2025.03.03
No uElon's trolley meme, fixed x2.2025.03.01
Godspeed, European UnionThis was supposed to happen day one.2025.02.26
We weren't prepared for GenAITrump Gaza #1.2025.02.09
Cape Run 2025A few photos from the '25 Cape Run.2025.02.04
Sad popcornOPM, DOGE, and /r/fednews.2025.02.01
DrenchedA trip to the Great Wolf Lodge.2025.01.26
RoguelikesA few hours with Balatro and Roboquest.2025.01.18
Quick biteThe TikTok ban from the perspective of someone who doesn't care.2025.01.12
DelaysA couple of trips, a few thoughts on the Ford F-150, and a gripe about Lyft.2024.12.31
Recap 2024Top content from 2024.2024.12.30
ExcursionsXmas stuff and a Cybertruck review.2024.12.30
ReindexedIs Google reversing course on their deindexing campaign?2024.12.22
The Outer WebParasite SEO and a solution.2024.12.17
NetherbrainMy Tactician-difficulty BG3 playthrough draws to a close.2024.12.15
But the fire is so delightfulWinter activities: art projects and video games.2024.11.30
YosemiteFriendsgiving in Yosemite.2024.11.15
Nintendo knewThat streamer guy looks like Glass Joe.2024.11.11
ClutchMy first clutch adjustment.2024.10.31
HalloweenCostume parties and black cats. And a rainbow seahorse.2024.10.30
RealIt is Wednesday, my dudes.2024.10.06
House projectFinishing the deck railing.2024.09.27
CopilotsA little bit of everything: planes, games, projects, and tech.2024.09.24
SuccessionFear and loathing on the campaign trail '24.2024.09.12
DrillsSome under-6 soccer drills and activities.2024.09.08
NostalgiaAdding some gaming nostalgia to kilroy.2024.08.18
CoastsCatalina and then some gaming in NoVa.2024.08.09
Core webCrawled - currently not indexed.2024.08.05
Second lapRemnant II and BG3 are just as good the second time around.2024.07.12
Outdoor workHouse projects and such.2024.07.06
DrawingJust a crayon drawing.2024.07.04
Independence DayA roundup of news and information regarding the presidential immunity decision.2024.06.26
So anyway, I started blastingThe SCOTUS opinions on Cargill and Rahimi.2024.06.24
New unlocksSecond playthroughs of BG3 and Remnant II, a little PUBG mayhem.2024.06.09
Wandering the dark forestA few more meadows in the dark forest of the internet. And a Google API leak.2024.06.04
SunshineA few outings.2024.06.03
Final bossFinishing BG3 and Remnant 2.2024.05.06
WanderingPurposeful and aimless walks into the internet.2024.05.05
BurnsHelldivers and friendly fire: name a more iconic duo. Also some Remnant and PUBG action.2024.04.26
Stop saying SEAL Team 6Oral arguments on presidential immunity.2024.04.23
ActivitiesSome fun in the sun with friends and family.2024.03.31
Here's what I'm up to right nowThe indieweb, SCOTUS hoists itself with its own petard, a visit to the Fleet Science Center, and some video games.2024.03.15
Op-edsA few interesting op-eds in the aftermath of Trump v Anderson.2024.03.10
Moon of VegaHelldivers 2 crossplay woes and combing the subsurface web.2024.03.04
ResolutionTrump v Anderson, the Civil War, and Nelson Tift.2024.02.28
DebatesMoody v NetChoice oral arguments.2024.02.25
For Super EarthMy first few hours of fighting for democracy.2024.02.22
Rebel MoonRebel Moon was not good.2024.02.21
Windshield wipersA BMW pedal car and lots of water falling from the sky.2024.02.19
Colorado and federalismHighlights from Trump v Anderson oral arguments.2024.02.15
StarchartMy web 1.1 corpus grew large enough to do an optimization.2024.02.13
ExploringScreencaps and a little discussion of Remnant II, BG3, Stray, and Slay the Spire.2024.02.07
Tune inTomorrow's SCOTUS oral arguments should be interesting.2024.01.10
Crashing the gatesSeven interesting legal battles.2024.01.07
A random walkSome examples of linking the indieweb.2024.01.06
FamilyA few photos from the holidays: Safari West, cozy fires, and a Boneys sess.2023.12.31
Recap 2023Top content from 2023.2023.12.30
Feature completeMy static site generator can now recommend external blog/smallweb posts with similar subject matter.2023.12.20
Rim worldsVisiting and connecting the fringes of the web.2023.12.11
For the eyesThe first hour of Remnant II and the end of Act II of BG3.2023.12.02
The Waning MoonTexas governor Elon Musk, another AdVon client catches flak for GPT reviews, and SEC v. Jarkesy.2023.11.26
PlayspaceCreating a small play area in the sideyard using rubberized playground tiles.2023.11.22
Thanksgiving cheat sheetPrint this post on an index card and keep it in your pocket in case someone at Thanksgiving dinner describes themself as a taxpayer.2023.11.20
SubsurfaceLinks pages, webrings, and search.2023.11.17
FriendsgivingFriendsgiving in SF and some board games.2023.11.12
Fin filmsA roundup of films and documentaries with financial intrigue. Wall Street, finance, scams, tech - all are welcome here.2023.11.07
AppropriationsReading the transcript of oral arguments from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America.2023.11.05
Static site generatorStatic site generators, some good posts, and peers.2023.10.31
CostumesA gallery of costumes.2023.10.29
WashingtonCox and Combes Washington, the costume.2023.10.27
Artificial intelligenceBanking in Silicon Valley and some AI non-stories.2023.10.25
RecreationFall means pumpkin patches and relatively empty beaches and zoos. It's also good for board and video games.2023.10.22
Literally whatA MotoGP-derived sport tourer. What?2023.10.18
Autopilot/soft landingInvestment risks, 401k funds are stupid, and ETFs that sell covered calls.2023.10.08
GranularityLinking internally and externally using text tokens and n-grams.2023.10.01
The underworldIs Stray good game for a two year old to copilot? Also Payday 3, Baldur's Gate 3, and Fallout 76.2023.09.27
EnwebbedParsing RSS feeds to find peers.2023.09.24
JetsSome telephoto shots of the Blue Angels doing neat tricks.2023.09.23
Small webKagi sees an opportunity to index the indieweb.2023.09.18
Good readsA couple of good reads from the blogosphere.2023.09.18
Rare findsFinishing BG3 Act I, some cuteness, and Harland's Ube IPA.2023.09.10
TravelA roundup of travel posts.2023.09.03
DunksPool volleyball and diving board tricks.2023.09.01
Souls93 til 23 and still going.2023.08.31
Dive logMy scuba dive log.2023.08.30
CatalinaA short trip to Catalina Island.2023.08.25
Prigozhin'tBut why two months later?2023.08.21
DrenchedHurricane Hilary, scuba, and leisure.2023.08.12
QuestingBG3 and everything else.2023.08.02
Red sky in morningOppenheimer and choice quotes about the recent web2 happenings.2023.07.23
A walk in the dark forestAll of the internet in one short stroll.2023.07.16
CascadiaA summer trip to Washington State.2023.07.04
Pool resurfaceGoing from an epoxy pool surface to a fiberglass one.2023.07.03
The end of the rideLordstown Motors files for bankruptcy protection.2023.07.02
Feature requestI just want to link other people's blogs.2023.07.01
In the defense of the comments sectionThe real DD is in the comments, it's true.2023.06.30
JuntaA few details emerge about the Wagnerkrieg.2023.06.28
Everything is better in the appTracking user interactions for fun and profit.2023.06.26
WagnerkriegI was up all night anyway.2023.06.21
Cleaning houseThe Reddit saga and the indieweb.2023.06.19
Bons voyagesA few short trips and wondering why something isn't a thing.2023.06.13
FailboatsDrama and disasters.2023.06.09
GMAOGamespost: GTA Online, FTL, Goat Simulator, and a few old favorites. I guess those are all old, but I hadn't played them before.2023.05.28
ExplosionsQuick bites (quibis) about NVDA, wheelbarrow adventures, and some games.2023.05.27
CSE/ECE career informationTranscribing some Q+A from a career panel.2023.05.15
HappeningsJust normal stuff - a concert, a few house projects, some vehicle discussions, and our last Gloomhaven scenario.2023.05.08
WaifusAircraft, spacecraft, and weird news developments.2023.05.06
Tactical survival actionFirst impressions of Fire Emblem Engage, I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, Fallout 76, XCOM: Chimera Squad, and Gloomhaven.2023.04.28
Next episodeFollowing up on previous threads: the T-14, wood preservation, and Halo (through the lens of ship naming).2023.04.16
Michael Bay areaMy PUBG replay editor workflow.2023.04.16
ScriptedAn insightful Reddit comment about the next Star Wars installment and we talk Lord of the Rings with Santos's GPT buddy.2023.04.10
Further readingI read a bunch of interesting stuff about Ukraine, Russiagate, and global security.2023.04.01
E3 RIPThe end of E3, for now?2023.03.27
RecoveryFighting off viruses.2023.03.24
RBBA GPT replicant is added to our group chat.2023.03.17
BoomA bank meme, Dodd-Frank, Glass-Steagall, and a lot of fingerpointing.2023.03.16
The gauntletInvesting tidbits, inflation, and recent economics headlines.2023.03.15
Halo 4Some screencaps and commentary from Halo 4.2023.03.14
Sea/dogsA scuba dive, some tea parties, and organizing the video game sock drawer.2023.03.07
ODSTPart three of the co-opable Master Chief Collection - Halo: ODST.2023.03.05
Brain drainWSB sounding like your dad's friends when he took you to the bar.2023.03.05
Halo 3A Halo 3 playthrough.2023.03.04
C0D3Indie SEO, Google Search Console, static websites, and Java fails/parallelization.2023.03.02
HighlightsThree short clips from recent PUBG matches.2023.02.25
EpilogueDilbert goes out with a gasp.2023.02.24
The humans are deadBegun this chatbot war has.2023.02.23
Battle royalePUBG hijinks.2023.02.20
Samba lifecycleSambas never die, they just find a new purpose.2023.02.19
Time warpEscaping the spire with Ironclad, Defect, and Watcher.2023.02.18
ReachA playthrough of Halo Reach from the Master Chief Collection2023.02.17
3.6 RoentgenThe East Palestine train crash and Chinese spy balloon.2023.02.08
The AscentA playthrough of the cyberpunk squad shooter The Ascent.2023.02.07
LeisureSome offroading, a new fridge water pump, and The Witcher on Netflix.2023.02.06
HaloTurns out Halo MCC co-op is unplayable.2023.02.05
Cape runThe Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run returned in 2023.2023.01.30
Money and boredomThe Netflix Madoff documentary and revisiting some other national figures.2023.01.24
HmmHindenburg goes after Adani and Burry does technicals.2023.01.14
All the genresFinishing Wonderlands, starting Stellaris, still playing Gloomhaven and Gunfire. ESO next?2023.01.10
d'Bears on paradeOne trophy, one miserable failure, one weird final.2023.01.09
Graphic art/r/baseball had a funny post about old MLB team logos.2023.01.07
Up the coastChristmas travel.2023.01.06
Charging on January 6thShots from Black's Beach on January 06, 2023.2022.12.31
Crisis avertedSpoilery roundoup of Pandemic Legacy Season 0.2022.12.31
Recap 2022Top content from the year.2022.12.18
The next campaignContemplating the next co-op adventure.2022.12.16
FungibleElonJet, Twitter, and the digital money printer.2022.12.12
ControversiesA newspost about soccer, Twitter, Europe, and money.2022.12.05
Elden LordFinishing Elden Ring and fighting a normal-sized skeleton in Wonderlands.2022.12.03
New questFinishing Elden Ring - almost - and starting Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.2022.11.19
PromptsExperimenting with prompts in Stable Diffusion.2022.11.18
SurpriseJust a meme about the World Cup.2022.11.14
Stable Diffusion setupGetting Stable Diffusion up and running on Ubuntu 22.04 with an RTX3080 Ti.2022.11.08
Turning pointsTwitter, Elon, a video card upgrade, and some music.2022.10.17
ConvergenceBrief thoughts on current events and a billionaire who thinks very highly of himself.2022.10.12
Deckbuilding and actionInitial thoughts on Shadowverse Champions Battle and Gunfire Reborn. More Elden Ring and Across the Obelisk.2022.10.11
LeisureA family-friendly winery, a ballgame, and a weekend trip.2022.09.25
Danger zone systemGallery of the Blue Angels at the Miramar Air Show.2022.09.20
How-toAcross the Obelisk Void boss tactics, shou sugi ban, hard drive management, The Cool S, Elden Ring, and a trip to Vegas.2022.09.03
BattlesAcross the Obelisk for solo and co-op, replacing a shower cartridge, and a new PC case. And the usual stuff: Gloomhaven, current events, and investing.2022.08.24
Space plane gamesReviews of roguelikes Griftlands and Crying Suns.2022.08.19
RewiringPlaying with autoencoders for graphics processing.2022.08.17
ExploringVolcano Manor and the Leyndell, plus some Reddit commentary on the invader mechanic.2022.08.15
The platformAnother node in the indieweb and a Java library for personal projects.2022.08.14
PopcornWatching this week's political news from the peanut gallery.2022.08.03
Keras cheat sheetExamples of keras merging layers, convolutional layers, and activation functions in L, RGB, HSV, and YCbCr.2022.07.29
AdhesivesPrepping wood planks for the next project, chasing an elusive Gloomhaven personal quest, concatenate layers in ML, and a little bit of recreation.2022.07.18
IndicatorsInterest rates, housing, and catalysts.2022.07.15
Plane gamesInformal reviews of Project Highrise and Nowhere Prophet for Switch.2022.07.11
Black sandA trip to the big island.2022.06.25
DecidedReflecting on the SCOTUS decisions from this week.2022.06.23
Dall-eExperimenting with Dall-e text inputs, moving a sandbox example offline, and troubleshooting jax/cuda.2022.06.18
CarnageMore investment carnage, turf boot carnage, and sci-fi carnage.2022.06.15
FinishedThe veranda gets artificial grass and is finally complete.2022.06.10
UnderdogsCPI Friday, asset-backed loans, and more indieweb.2022.06.07
Fog doorA birthday party, wood oil, board games, video games, and other stuff.2022.06.05
Slay the spireClimbing towers and flipping cards in Slay the Spire.2022.06.03
The decline of user data storageTrying to find out how many files are in a Google Drive directory precipitates a short rant about the big picture.2022.05.24
This is fineA few rabbit holes regarding the current state of real estate and Meme Lorde himself.2022.05.20
PacksTrading the stroller out for a baby backpack. Retrofitting old posts to new markup. A couple Elden Ring dragons.2022.05.14
LearningWhat do NASDAQ and Elden Ring have in common? Also a trip to the amusement park and some machine learning meta topics.2022.05.07
90s aestheticThe indieweb and blogging with a couple of webring rabbit holes. RSS with source and a small Elden Ring gallery.2022.05.03
EdgesWSB discussion about margin borrowing, Zillow, and Evergrande. Links to code samples for graphics processing and some work on the veranda.2022.04.29
Lands betweenSome scenery from Elden Ring.2022.04.27
ConversationsInstalling a dryer booster fan, choosing a cat name for an intern project, and some convos about Twitter and Truth.2022.04.17
LinksPool pump work, hacker news and the indie web/blogsphere, and Elon wants to buy Twitter.2022.04.06
Not looking backPandemic Season 0, Zinsco breaker replacement, robots shooting basketballs, and the Blyatskrieg grinds on.2022.03.30
DiversionsInitial thoughts on Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West with plenty of screencaps.2022.03.08
RevanchistThe Ukraine tensions go kinetic, the market reacts, and Reddit watches planes. Far Cry 6 final thoughts with some Deep Rock Galactic and Horizon Forbidden West.2022.02.20
Imminent?The US claims an invasion is imminent, Reddit watches drones, I buy energy stonks.2022.02.15
Global macroViewing the Russia-Ukraine hostilities with a historical perspective (South Ossetia and Crimea) because this might be a time to join cash gang.2022.02.04
ExeuntFinal thoughts on the Mass Effect trilogy, I create lists of my favorite graphics, and a Far Cry 6 villain rides a lion.2022.01.24
DemiseRussia stages forces on its Ukrainian border and a Redditor connects the Putin-Manafort-Burisma dots. I hunt treasure in Far Cry 6 and hit the final stretch of the Mass Effect trilogy. KO and Connie play on words in a language I do not understand.2022.01.15
Deep graphicsAn implementation of the Burning Ship fractal and some experiments in creating autoencoders. Changing the style layers in style transfer and combining the outputs into a composite image. Mass Effect 3 Leviathan and Omega DLCs.2022.01.09
ClincherThe best NFL season finale ever (Chargers-Raiders), what the heck was that timeout, and the Go Charge Go copypasta.2022.01.01
ChartsOmicron spikes but this could be a good thing, static web things, the gang plays Lunch Lady, and my wheel trading report card.2021.12.29
EvergreenRain, goats, and gifts.2021.12.21
Vball championshipNight volleyball with a rear-curtain flash and a slow shutter.2021.12.19
CovidivisionOften said: "I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm anti-mandate."2021.12.19
Off repeatDanny Trejo opens a taco shop in Yara, the lolbaters play the Super People beta, and I play ME3 From Ashes.2021.12.13
On repeatFinal thoughts on the live action Cowboy Bebop, diving into Far Cry 6, and the Back 4 Blood final boss.2021.11.27
Pre-omicronBuckling down for the totally-predictable omicron surge by watching (anime) Cowboy Bebop, Wheel of Time, and audioreading Ringworld. Also: Back 4 Blood, Gloomhaven, Nioh 2, Mass Effect 3, and Risk of Rain 2. I should go outside. No, wait, omicron.2021.11.08
The upswingThe market crash is coming, what are good recovery investments?2021.11.07
TogethernessFriendsgiving mayhem, timely Halloween costumes, gun stonks, and Tacoma parts. And some machine learning graphics links and learnings.2021.10.26
How to (not) get a PS5Chasing the Playstation 5 white whale.2021.10.10
ReequippingA bespoke graphics editor for my static blog workflow. Lordstown finally hits the highway after inking a deal with Foxconn. PUBG and Nioh 2 are the multiplayer selections, Mass Effect 2 on the solo front.2021.09.09
DialogueCovid, ivermectin, and memes. Fantasy football is back and I play Nioh 2, Mass Effect 2, and Dying Light 1 a second time.2021.08.26
NewsI am an uncle.2021.08.22
PerilsI start Mass Effect 2, Google kills Hangouts, the US pulls out of Afghanistan.2021.08.01
Film vaultDigging through the shoebox of film photos.2021.07.27
Everything is coolVeranda construction, the new Zero cafe racer, Microsoft nouns a verb, Lordstown dilutes, and I play a few video games.2021.07.17
Just buy SPYLordstown marketing subreddit and my six month wheel trading report card2021.07.12
Up and downScreencaps and commentary from Virgin Galactic's first passenger flight... then they dilute. Some more Lordstown chat.2021.07.06
To the moonHype post willing SPCE to the moon.2021.07.04
Lambos or shambosPLTN, SPCE, and RIDE. I watch the China Hustle (recommend!) and some video games are played.2021.06.25
The show goes onLordstown, Virgin Galactic, and Paperhands Portnoy. Veranda construction and a Wuhan Hong Dong Long stout. Mass Effect Legendary Edition, at last. And RIP Johnny Mac and Google Hangouts.2021.06.15
Bro, the humanityHindenburg Research is short DKNG and Redditors discuss short selling. Hilti tools are the ultimate flex.2021.06.13
EquitiesLots of woodporn as the veranda takes shape. Meme stonks stage a comeback and candles are replaced with crayons.2021.06.02
MemeorialPoway things, steel cable, veranda materials research, and dishwasher repair. Seeking Alpha and my college buddies dissect the recent meme stonk movement.2021.05.26
Risk mitigationConstruction begins on the veranda, the market dips while China cracks down on crypto, meme stonks, and some video games.2021.05.08
UpgrayeddsI check out Google search console, discuss graphics in static site generation, and talk SEO when I really don't care about SEO. Plus some investing, video games, and foot talk.2021.04.13
Third houseFire Emblem Three Houses squad optimization.2021.04.10
Humble requestWe can never have too many Xes.2021.04.08
Investment dramaArchegos, Lordstown, and contextualizing everything in film terms.2021.04.06
ResistanceMy winding path to vaccination, the perfect PUBG match, hardware multiboot, and discussions from my spicy millennialism list.2021.04.01
MillennialismsMy most- and least-favorite millennialisms. Spoiler: I don't care about avocado toast one way or the other.2021.03.27
Ever memein'The Ever Given debacle seems oddly familiar.2021.03.15
Follow upWSB donates its tendies to fellow apes. Some wheel trading analysis. Games: Bloodborne, Fire Emblem, Remnant.2021.03.12
DeliveriesDanielle arrives. And some other stuff while nevously awaiting delivery.2021.02.09
FailsThe WallStreetBets GME saga continues with industry reactions and a coup. And some other stuff.2021.01.30
GME volumeWe are all Gamestop holders now.2021.01.26
Will Gamestop?Will GME continue to moon?2021.01.23
GamestopDeep Fucking Value.2021.01.20
Current eventsJanuary 6th and the two weeks that followed.2021.01.03
SwellShots from a few San Diego spots during the recent swell.2021.01.02
The next breakReflecting on investments and Warren B. Some sunset surf shots, video games, and AI image stylization.2020.12.25
Staying warm by the fireFixing the transformer on a 1970s furnace, PUBG meme strats, and thinking about autoencoders.2020.12.12
On lockThe covid surge is a good time for video games and fantasy football.2020.12.06
Edges and cornersTaking the 500mm out for some surf shots. Tweaking neural style transfer.2020.11.29
ModsTweaking the TensorFlow implementation of Neural Style Transfer.2020.11.15
DecisionvirusElection day, commentary, and fallout. The Nioh journey comes to an end. A sprinkling of BL3, Among Us, Risk of Rain.2020.11.01
DarknessThe first night surf photography session in awhile. Halloween, elections, brushfires, and stonks.2020.10.17
Cash-secured putGetting passive income from cash.2020.10.10
CoverStar Wars: Squadrons and covered calls 101.2020.10.03
SquadronsX-Wing is reborn.2020.09.30
Above-average WednesdayA mega-gallery from Black's Beach during a nice swell.2020.09.26
SeascapeTaking the 500mm out to Seascape with some buddies.2020.09.25
Covid electionThoughts about a recent Atlantic article about how the 2020 election might be contested.2020.09.13
Hot startFantasy football season begins, Nioh, and The Last of Us 2.2020.09.09
The four horsemenIll portents, investment films, and surf photos.2020.09.06
FantasyMy fantasy teams this year.2020.08.27
Go rightThe nearly-invisible personal website, theta gang, and a bunch of video games.2020.08.20
Tapatio noodlesTapatio came out with a ramen cup.2020.08.08
RevisitingPainting the house from scaffolding, buying bonds, Barotrauma, RoR2, and Blaseball.2020.08.01
Shootin' bucketsI break out the Nikon 500m f4g for the first time.2020.07.26
SnipingHow to build a carbon fiber monopod for a telephoto. Part 2 of my TLOU2 review. Some other stuff in the era of covid.2020.07.17
Heating upSummer things like hot dogs and toxic clouds. More covid memes, more stonks, and a DIY monopod design.2020.07.03
High/low countryBorderlands 3 Bounty of Blood, Barotrauma submarine design, Divinity, and some summer things.2020.07.01
DogfightI set up a remote X-Wing miniatures match for Jon and Rob. It gets heartwarmingly LARPy.2020.06.26
Second peakJust an OC covid meme.2020.06.24
The Last of Us Pt. IIFirst impressions of the newest TLOU and some of the weird reactions to its release.2020.06.19
Get hype(rspace)Excited for Star Wars Squadrons.2020.06.15
Choose your home adventureRenovating the media room, some current events, and some video games.2020.05.31
Opening/closingCovid eases. Less PUBG, more Payday. Some lockdown pastimes.2020.05.31
Perrrrrsona!Adding avatars to my blog.2020.05.18
ExplorationLockdown video gaming, socially-distanced beer exploration, and site generator improvements.2020.05.09
RasterMoving pixels around with Java.2020.04.20
Plenty to doPandemic activities: trading, gaming, and coding.2020.04.19
Shadow of the ColossusShadow of the Colossus remaster: sixteen colossi, one button mapping issue, and a bittersweet ending.2020.04.05
BiohazardsThe day covid lockdown started and some of the ensuing memes. FE Three Houses, Tarkov, Divinity 2, and Borderlands 3.2020.03.14
Fourteen days laterIs this covid thing for real? One thing is for certain: the memes are good. Self-isolating with PUBG and Borderlands 3.2020.03.01
Wild weekPandemic (the board game) and quarantinis as the price of PPE explodes. Active investing vs passive investing. A bunch of video games.2020.02.15
Crimson FlowerThe Crimson Flower branch of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and minmaxing for the endgame.2020.02.11
WhistlerA ski trip to Whistler.2020.02.10
Favorite screencaps, 2020-2029A gallery of my favorite screencaps from this decade.2020.02.02
Cape RunThe 2020 Blind Lade Ale House Cape Run.2020.01.26
Neural failsExperiments with convolutional autoencoders and style transfer. East coast travel and video games plus the big wall of Gloomhaven achievements.2020.01.10
Favorite photos, 2020-2029My own favorite photos from this decade.2020.01.04
P-games onlyPako Car Chase Simulator, Pony Island, Post Scriptum, and PUBG.2019.12.31
So long, twenty-teensTen things that defined this decade.2019.12.29
Up and backA road trip, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and BL3 Handsome Jackpot.2019.12.08
DecemberJust a time-lapse of tree decorating.2019.11.30
It's nicer indoorsFire Emblem Tree Houses, the Borderlands 3 endgame, another Dying Light playthrough, and Barotrauma.2019.11.10
CastlesA Fire Emblem Three Houses review and some turkey.2019.10.27
ApexesBorderlands 3, Risk of Rain 2, and volleyball under the moon.2019.10.26
HalloweenA costume party.2019.10.03
Another lapFood and parties, Borderlands and Risk of Rain.2019.09.14
New gamesBorderlands 3 arrives, The Division 2 ends, RoR2 strategy discussion, Zelda and FE3H. I enjoy a Kook Slams IPA and draft my fantasy team.2019.08.10
Deeper diveA trip to Las Vegas, finishing Division 2, Risk of Rain 2 items, and DL4J/CNN stuff.2019.07.20
SwelteringHot dogs, hot zones, and hot worms.2019.06.30
Beating the heatBorderlands GOTY, RoR2, and a new PUBG tactic.2019.06.12
E3 2019E3 2019.2019.06.03
ChipperA review of the Power King 7hp woodchipper.2019.06.02
ParallelismDoing distributed processing with Java's parallelStream.2019.06.01
Back to itA trip out east, a RHCP tribute band, Borderlands GOTY, and RoR2.2019.05.23
ThumbnailingNaive thumbnail generation in Java.2019.05.18
SetsI added post sets to my static site generator.2019.05.01
ListsList posts and my favs.2019.04.29
WinterfellA roundup of Reddit commentary after the Battle of Winterfell.2019.04.24
Europe: noveltiesSilly stuff from the Europe trip.2019.04.24
Europe: social studiesA few cultural quirks from our two weeks on the continent.2019.04.24
Europe: foodA summary of foods from the Europe trip.2019.04.23
Tuesday: GVA - AMS - LAXTravel day: Geneva to Los Angeles and then back home.2019.04.22
Monday: Murren - Lausanne - Montraux - GenevaVisiting friends in Lausanne before the flight home.2019.04.21
Sunday: Murren - SchilthornHiking a ski slope in Murren then taking the gondola to Piz Gloria.2019.04.20
Saturday: Interlaken - The Car Free Town of Gimmelwald - MurrenInterlaken to the Schilthorn to liters at the Hotel Eidelweiss.2019.04.19
Friday: Bacharach - InterlakenFrom Germany to Switzerland with a minor transportation scare.2019.04.18
Thursday: Bacharach - Burg EltzA day trip to Burg Eltz from Bacharach.2019.04.17
Wednesday: Brussels - BacharachBrussels to Bacharach by train.2019.04.16
Tuesday: Paris - BrusselsParis to Brussels by train and foot.2019.04.15
Monday: ParisLunch at a Michelin restaurant, scootering the Louvre, and a bike tour on an ill-fated day.2019.04.14
Sunday: ParisA metro and walking loop to the catacombs and Champs-Elysees. Moulin Rouge.2019.04.13
Saturday: Rayol - Nice - ParisRayol Canadel to Paris via Nice.2019.04.12
Friday: Rayol Canadel Sur MerA Sentier Fenouillet hike, quick swim, and some crepes.2019.04.11
Thursday: Gigondas - Avignon - Aix - RayolGigondas to Rayol Canadel sur Mer with stops in Avignon and Aix.2019.04.10
Wednesday: Lyon - GigondasA Lyon market and the wine country.2019.04.09
Tuesday: plane - CDG - GVA - LyonThe LAX to GVA via CDG, then a relatively short drive to Lyon.2019.04.08
Monday: San Diego - LAX - planeTaking the train to LAX for our flight to Paris.2019.04.07
Europe preparationMaps, money, and translation software.2019.04.06
Some improvementsSome web site updates, a bday photo session, and an assortment of games.2019.04.04
ListsAll of my lists.2019.04.02
AboutThe obligatory 'about this site' page.2019.04.01
Top ten gamesMy top ten video games of all time.2019.03.16
Bouncing aroundThe amazing Nikkor 50mm 1/.4G, Far Cry 5 has a dark ending, and a few other multiplayer games.2019.02.26
DestinationA Maui trip during humpback season.2019.02.17
CanyoningPutting the 'adventure' back in the Gentlemen's Beer Exploration Society.2019.02.10
HoodMount Hood brocation.2019.02.02
BLAH Cape RunThe 2019 Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run.2019.01.27
EntertainmentFire Emblem Fates, Divinity, Far Cry, and a bunch of other video games.2018.12.30
Santa's little helpersChristmas with a weim and a golden.2018.12.22
EnduringFar Cry 5 and the new PUBG snow map.2018.11.25
Looking back/forwardSome video game talk, a new jacket, and descaling the water heater.2018.11.14
DogearedKafka gets ear surgery, I eat Din Tai Fung and play some games.2018.11.04
MasksHalloween, PUBG, and a trip to Seattle.2018.10.21
RPGSome short trips, finishing Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, beginning Gloomhaven.2018.08.30
DraftedGaming: PUBG, fantasy, Alienation, God of War, X-Wing miniatures.2018.08.04
VidyaLots of gaming: PUBG, Risk, Destiny 2, Alienation, and God of War.2018.07.23
TacticsHot weather means X-Com, PUBG, Destiny, and an X-Wing miniatures corvette battle.2018.06.25
Sun reasThe 2018 World Superbike race at Laguna Seca.2018.06.20
AdventuringHeroes of the Aturi Cluster, The Division, X-Com 2, PUBG, and Tacoma suspension.2018.06.12
E3E3 2018.2018.05.31
DialogueText chats implemented in html, some more neural style transfer, LED headlight installation, and Sea of Thieves.2018.05.13
CA primaryThe California primary voter guide in all its weirdness.2018.05.13
Deep diveNeural style transfer using DL4J and other starter projects. An ATL trip and two hours before the mast.2018.04.08
Blowing off some dustEDH builds: Narset and Oloro.2018.04.01
GraphicsSea of Thieves, Monster Hunter, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, and some outdoor activities.2018.03.25
DrenchedPark City ski-brocation, a Kingwin HDD switch for multi-boot, and first thoughts on Sea of Thieves.2018.03.07
MenacingPouring concrete for the murder room, Monster Hunter, and Altered Carbon.2018.02.27
TagsAdding tags to my static site generator.2018.02.25
OnwardThe BLAH Cape Run, pouring concrete for the murder room, and Horizon Zero Dawn.2018.02.11
GrindingI play some Horizon and Monster Hunter, work on the murder room, and build some EDH decks.2018.01.28
SpoiledMurder room concrete work, a wedding shoot, the Horizon Zero Dawn finale, and Pandemic Legacy.2018.01.07
HorizonScreencaps, videos, and initial thoughts on Horizon Zero Dawn.2017.12.31
SleighrideA holiday trip to NorCal, an Ezuri EDH deck, and static site generator mod for building and sharing MTG decks.2017.12.27
J's top ten video gamesMy buddy dropped his all time top 10 video games on me.2017.12.17
SunsetsWeather, Monster Hunter, thoughts on my Zero S, and The Last Jedi.2017.12.11
OCInternet content, from OC to excrement.2017.11.25
The craftMoving from a Ducati to a Zero S. Rebel Galaxy and some other video games.2017.11.14
All over the mapInstalling a tankless water heater and a few board games.2017.11.13
Ixalan sealedIxalan sealed night at Barrel Harbor. Pirates, dinos, beer.2017.10.31
FantasyHalloween costumes, fantasy football, Paragon, and MtG.2017.10.24
WeekendersTrips to Oakland, OC, and some Paragon.2017.09.30
FinishingHorizontal fencing installation, a DC trip, and Battleborn.2017.08.20
Fancy, flyingPicking up Battleborn in its dying days, disassembling the pool pump, and some travel.2017.07.22
CompletionA time-lapse gif of re-epoxying the pool. The Dying Light DLC, Andromeda, Killing Floor 2, and Persona 5.2017.06.13
E3 2017AAA titles are all the rage at E3 2017.2017.06.09
Killing Floor 2Killing Floor 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda.2017.05.30
Dying LightA brief overview of Dying Light co-op.2017.05.15
Fancy eventsWedding.2017.04.21
The calmMass Effect Andromeda, Civilization tabletop, and a trip to Atomic City raceway.2017.03.31
HorizonsWork travel, getting out of town, and going to Andromeda.2017.02.28
A real winterTravel and Warframe.2017.01.29
ConditioningThe 2017 Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run, the USMNT plays Serbia, a suppressed AR in a state where they're legal, and the SD women's march.2016.12.31
RoamingHoliday travel, engagement photos. Battlefield 1, The Witcher, and Warframe.2016.11.20
DisguisedHalloween, the Turkey Bowl, The Witcher, and Warframe.2016.10.30
CivilizingVolleyball photos, installing a Trex deck, and Legacy games. Video games include The Witcher, Civ VI, Broforce, Warframe, and Planetside.2016.09.04
TripsOahu, fantasy football, and a giant Guiness.2016.08.14
WateryCache Creek rafting, pool vball, Warframe, and Witcher 3.2016.07.20
Ikelite nightsurfingA nightsurfing photo session with an Ikelite housing and flash.2016.07.17
Back to workFireworks at the Cove and tiling a medicine cabinet. In the game room: Fallout, Warframe, and TLOU.2016.06.22
Spare timeA wedding, gate installs, and tuna crabs.2016.06.01
SatisfyingFinishing the brewery crawl, Tropico 5, and Warframe.2016.05.07
WarframeFinishing The Division and starting Warframe.2016.05.02
A'aDiving Kauai.2016.04.23
FFSChallenge 10 giant chaos. It must be primary season.2016.04.20
IndieAn Austin bachelor party, The Division, Firewatch, and Broforce.2016.04.03
All gamesThe Division, Broforce, and Helldivers2016.03.16
IndoorSkiing with a torn MCL, file ops in Java, surfing, and Helldivers.2016.03.02
SedentaryMCL tear, froading, clay pigeons, volleyball.2016.02.20
Moving earthA motorsports fan judges Monster Jam (and gets booed). Cities: Skylines, Helldivers, and Fallout 4.2016.01.31
BoardsSome decorative surfboards and shelving.2016.01.30
Cape RunThe 2016 Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run.2016.01.17
CutsTrying out video stabilization software: VirtualDub with Deshaker and Hyperlapse.2016.01.08
From Diego to The BayWiffle ball, high tide surfing, a Raiders game, and skiing.2015.12.02
CapsMy second chunk of progress in Fallout 4.2015.11.16
Bombing itA first look at Fallout 4. Also the Turkey Bowl (flag football) and some Planetside 2 action.2015.11.04
NinoA couple of unimpressive lightning pics.2015.11.02
SpooksFour Halloween costumes and some Planetside.2015.10.10
Dos a tresThe US-Mexico CONCACAF Cup match.2015.10.07
FlightsAn east coast trip, disc golf, and some Planetside 2 action.2015.08.25
AmokPatio renovations, nerf storage, and a couple of celebrations. Also some fantasy football and Planetside action.2015.08.24
VR4 workReplacing an oxygen sensor, struts, and springs on a 3000GT VR4.2015.07.13
Camp'n'crawlThe League of Sport camp and crawl and returning from Oregon by train.2015.07.12
Forever warMy first few hours of Planetside 2 and some more Borderlands 2.2015.06.02
KonaThe big island at 14,000 feet above sea level and 60 feet below.2015.05.24
BattlestationsThe garage annex "murder room" gets more murdery, an Ikelight strobe, a cabon fibersurfboard, HotS and the Handsome Collection.2015.05.09
StormsA Heroes of the Storm LAN party, local scuba dive, and adorable Mothers' Day photos.2015.04.22
CircuitsThe 2015 Long Beach Grand Prix, ASUS customer support, and a new rig.2015.04.01
ClassA dog photoshoot and some other stuff.2015.03.22
CompletionFinal thoughts on Far Cry 4, including the map editor and experiments with C4. Kafka destroys a cognac box.2015.03.22
HTTPLooking at site traffic for the first time and writing a naive classifier.2015.02.09
Far Cry 4Initial thoughts and screencaps from Far Cry 4.2015.02.08
Cape runThe 2015 Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run.2015.02.04
HangersSome shower and light fixtures.2015.01.31
BuoyantGaribaldi and kelp in La Jolla Cove.2015.01.27
Clean setsClean waves in Del Mar and a monster attacks SimCity.2015.01.19
ImprovementsStatic site generator changes, fantasy football, and some video games.2015.01.01
New *An office and OS reorg, sand and snow for the doggo.2014.12.01
TransitionA couple of trips and an AT-AT costume for Kafka.2014.10.19
DaysurfingI take the Ikelight underwater housing and D700 out to shoot some Del Mar surf.2014.10.05
FootgolfFootgolf at Welk, a bachelor party in Big Bear, and a mountain goat dog.2014.09.16
Dog sessionA golden hour walk with the doggies.2014.09.09
DestinyMy Destiny-edition PS4 arrives.2014.08.19
GreedydraftUsing Wins Above Replacement (WAR) for fantasy football.2014.08.03
Nightsurfing, part sixPhotographing a stealth mission.2014.07.27
Nightsurfing, part cinqAn Ikelite underwater housing, a D700, and some night surfing.2014.07.01
BrazucaThe American Outlaws World Cup 2014 trip to Brazil.2014.06.10
CopaTrials and tribulations getting tickets for the 2014 World Cup of Soccer.2014.06.04
Pump reno ivFinishing the pumphouse renovation, a gas burner, and some soccer.2014.05.26
Pump reno iiiPart III of the pump house rebuild.2014.05.18
Pump reno iiPart II of the pump house rebuild.2014.05.12
Pump reno iPart I of the pump house rebuild.2014.04.17
CompetitionThe 2014 Austin (motorcycle) Grand Prix and fantasy (like wizards) flag football.2014.03.17
Partyin partyinA birthday barbecue and classy party.2014.03.10
GP Motorcycles, strike 2.5Just the valves, please.2014.03.08
Blayke 51A bday photo session and discussion of my postprocessing... er... process.2014.02.16
F*ckrMoving from Flickr to self-hosted images.2014.02.13
MahalopointsOvernighting the Kalalau Trail and a stopover on a different north shore.2014.01.01
PopularA gallery of my most popular photos, updated regularly.2013.09.27
SbkWorld Superbike at Laguna Seca.2013.06.11
E3 2013New consoles, fast cars, and a giant mech at E3 2013.2013.05.15
The last bit of thirtyKO turns 40, Dad turns 60 in Hawaii, Lee and Carly get married.2013.03.17
FlightThe Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run, a going away party, and a ride on Ty's new Triumph.2012.12.28
All with one shoulderBicycles are friggin dangerous.2012.11.14
CureThe Run For Your Lives zombie run and some shower tiling.2012.10.03
Week of tileTiling the master shower.2012.09.26
DabblingDodgeball and a fantasy draft.2012.08.19
CheeseA taco party, homebrew, and quitting Facebook.2012.08.08
Top downVaulting the master bathroom and watching the Giants from a box.2012.07.23
Shower rebootVaulting the shower ceiling and adding a shelf and backer board. The Stingray-J IPA recipe and a Pyramidhead sighting at SDCC.2012.07.04
FourthCenote diving near Cancun and some fireworks watching.2012.06.18
Long daysE3 2012 and a pool volleyball party.2012.05.22
NecromaniaLeft 4 Dead 2, Lost Rhino brewery, and adult kickball.2012.04.01
Now with vitamin rSkiing Kirkwood and taking the dogs to Fiesta Island.2012.02.19
xlviA Super Bowl party.2012.01.28
BLAH RunThe first Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run.2012.01.08
Tapping back inTwilight Imperium and dog beach.2011.11.23
PostfriendsgivingTES V: Skyrim has arrived. And two goofy dogs.2011.10.30
PrefriendsgivingPrepping the yard for visitors and trips to DC and Vegas.2011.09.27
Glowing waterSwimming in bioluminescence off the Scripps Pier.2011.09.06
FootballFlag and fantasy football.2011.08.12
Dream teamA Jackson-oriented fantasy football team.2011.08.07
EavesBuilding planter boxes into the deck.2011.07.27
Grand prixThe 2011 Red Bull Grand Prix at Laguna Seca.2011.07.12
Best seats in the houseMy MovieSac was lonely so I got it a pair of GamerSacs.2011.06.22
The LeaguiesA League of Sport pool party, a new (used) truck, and a patent.2011.06.14
June 2011 is busyE3 2011, deck work, and a shindig.2011.05.28
RailingReplacing the damaged deck railing with steel cable.2011.05.20
Deck againA more extensive deck plank repair job, on a budget.2011.05.05
One last job...The Speed Night crew reviews The Fast and the Furious 5, some flag football, and a creative lighting solution.2011.04.24
More lightingGarage lighting and a skylight.2011.04.22
Replacement gearSome new moto gear after a vigorous offroading trip in Utah.2011.04.12
New lightsCable lights beneath a skylight for good lighting at all hours.2011.04.08
SpringExcited to see MotoGP at Laguna Seca.2011.03.23
ChillyCansecwest 2011.2011.02.20
Snow, lots and lots of snowSwapping HIDs into the VR4 and lots of powder in Tahoe.2011.02.09
Garage workInstalling HIDs on the VR4.2011.01.30
EntertainmentThe Walking Dead, board games, and some stuff for the office.2011.01.09
Cover 2Dogs and flag football.2010.12.28
EggsmasA trip to NorCal with the doggo.2010.12.14
d'DogsSome multiple exposure/flash fun at the park with the dog, Shar visits, and fantasy playoffs.2010.11.28
Kitchen lightingTurning recessed flourescent lighting into something better.2010.11.21
Rainy daysFlag football in the rain and mud.2010.10.26
Playing the fieldFootball - fantasy and flag - and a trip to colorful Shenandoah National Park.2010.10.19
Football overloadWell maybe not overload; a daytrip to see the Raiders-9ers, some fantasy, and organizing weekly flag football games.2010.10.13
CaboA quick Cabo trip.2010.10.04
LapseCivilization V, Dave Matthews, and Warp Riders.2010.08.29
A proper backyard by winterSome backyard renovations.2010.08.22
d'DraftA live fantasy draft.2010.08.08
Casual weekendBackyard greenery and Starcraft II.I.2010.08.03
Some more screeneryStarcraft II gallery.2010.08.01
StarcraftInitial thoughts on Starcraft II.I and photographing paintball from the trenches.2010.07.28
Kaf and SharThe Petco Park suite and some pets at the park.2010.07.26
mi3A chili cookoff and sun sail installation.2010.07.21
SargentThe Sargent aftermarket seat on a Ducati 900SS.2010.07.19
Motorsport weekend 2010Looking forward to some motorsports this weekend. So is Kafka.2010.07.18
CleanupThe World Cup, some house work, and a chiminea.2010.06.21
IndependenceThe mech suits and pregnant zombies of E3 2010.2010.04.25
BrolagioSome backyard features.2010.04.18
Productive... enjoyable... why how would you describe it?Kafka turns one.2010.04.02
PipingSweating pipe for the master bathroom.2010.03.10
pf01Enkei PF01s for the VR4.2010.03.07
Purchases, products, plantingsStaining the deck and adding some greenery to the backyard.2010.02.24
Garage doorsSwapping out old garage doors and figuring out how to pipe body sprays the right way (closed loop).2010.02.10
Favorite screencaps, 2010-2019My favorite screenshots from this decade.2010.02.08
xlivA backyard Super Bowl party and some Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition.2010.01.31
TransitionsRearranging some living spaces and starting a new Mass Effect 2 run.2010.01.27
PrecedentsSome thoughts of Mass Effect 2. An Axis and Allies game and Kafka eats some snacks.2010.01.18
San Clemente State BeachCamping with friends at San Clemente State Beach.2010.01.10
Favorite photos, 2010-2019My favorite photo memories from this decade.2010.01.10
A hot, steamy bowl of awesomeMy chili cookoff recipe.2010.01.01
Christmas weekendKafka drives a Bobcat and gets a bunch of new rawhides.2009.12.20
Master bathWork begins on the master bathroom.2009.12.10
DecemberWayne and I throw a baby shower and a dragon attacks me in Dragon Age.2009.12.03
Backyard lightsXmas lights up in the backyard.2009.11.26
MilesTrips to Virginia, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.2009.11.08
Auto lightingSome new lighting in the living room and common area.2009.11.04
New stuff, brahHalloween costumes, Forza 3, and new Bridgestones for the Duc.2009.10.25
One yearGutting the master bathroom.2009.10.22
Pre-HalloweenJack-o-lanterns and drywall removal.2009.10.21
Broader fovNikkor 20mm f/2.8, some renovations, and some Dom.2009.10.14
Two weeksRigging the xbox wheel for the Lovesac.2009.10.09
Some reviewsHalo ODST, Sins of a Solar Empire, and the last Futurama Movie.2009.09.29
Backyard greeneryPainting the terrace walls and pinhole shots at the fantasy draft.2009.09.16
Heavy in the gamesA live fantasy draft and some Axis and Allies.2009.08.27
The return of filmPinhole shots using the P-Sharan cardboard camera and film photos from dirtbiking Plaster City.2009.08.24
ToastedKafka meets a kitty.2009.07.05
Independence cookoutJuly 4th bbq and fireworks.2009.06.30
Important eventsA trip to NoVa.2009.05.12
A few eventsDirt biking Plaster City, Settlers of Catan, bathroom renovation.2009.04.05
Maui wowieSome motorcycling, diving, and golfing on Maui2009.01.03
First barbecueEnjoying the bbq and pool.2008.09.07
Portfolio finMy photo class final project.2008.09.02
Portfolio part IIIMotorcycles on Palomar mountain. On film.2008.07.31
Portfolio part IMotorcycling photos for class.2008.07.27
Rifftrax IIThe Aeon Flux Rifftrax.2008.06.11
Major cwnageAutocross day.2008.04.28
Drift dayDrift Day at El Toro. Many tires were lost in the making of this post.2008.02.20
SnowcapsSki trip.2007.12.19
DistractionsThe VR4 and some things that are happening.2007.12.05
Someone's sick idea of funMy county fair photo entry: motorcycle hooliganry.2007.05.21
El jollo locoTwo unimportant items.2007.05.13
Nightsurfing part deuxMy second attempt at photographing a stealth mission. Some lessons are learned.2007.03.04
The new ishTouch football retold with mspaint.2007.01.12
Find your guitar hero inspirationLive music. Come.2007.01.05
Call of Duty 3Some thoughts on CoD3 for Wii.2006.12.30
From under the treeXmas swag.2006.12.30
The long way downI should do some adventure riding.2006.12.22
DeprecatedAnd just like that, the need for post categories disappeared.2006.12.18
On categorizationAn attempt to categorize posts.2006.11.20
[Insert forced Wii pun here]A few hours with the hottest new console.2006.11.08
People who wear socks to bed are evilIt's more than just waking up with sweaty feet.2006.01.16
AmagoTaking the motord to the Amago kart track.2005.12.21
SetsGood-sized sets, lifeguards, and dolphins in Del Mar.2005.12.18
PortraitsA film/slide/digital portrait session.2005.10.18
ChinaPhotos from two weeks in China.2005.09.11
SunriseSome enthusiastic motorcycling.2005.09.05
Shasta day threeSummiting Mt. Shasta from a Lake Helen campsite, then the descent.2005.09.04
Shasta day twoFrom the Mt. Shasta trailhead to the campsite at Lake Helen.2005.09.03
Shasta day oneAcclimating for the Mt. Shasta climb.2005.07.15
Fort PointFort Point in black and white.2005.07.05
Rat trainingGetting some motorcycling practice in.2005.06.06
E3A gallery from E3 2005.2005.05.27
Last hurrahRosarito.2004.12.31
TahoeA ski trip.2004.07.04
Movie nightJust a picture.2004.06.01
XP hikeHiking Pine Hills and then cross-processing.2004.05.22
E3E3 2004.2004.05.22
PB Block PartyThe Pacific Beach Block Party in black and white.2004.04.03
Celica suspensionReplacing the struts and springs on the Celica.2003.10.25
Cedar fireA gallery of images from the 2003 San Diego Cedar Fire.2003.08.14
AlaskaJuneau, Fairbanks, Denali, Anchorage, and Kenai.2003.05.10
PB Block PartyThe 2003 Pacific Beach Block Party, just a few photos.2002.12.31
TahoeA few shots from a Tahoe ski trip.2002.08.01
ShastaAn unsuccessful attempt to summit Mount Shasta.2002.05.24
E3E3 2002.2001.12.01
SkiingReuniting with the hometown friends for some skiing and snowboarding.2001.05.17
E3Gamecube, Sonic, and a Saleen S7 at the 2001 E3 Expo.2000.07.01
GraeagleBackpacking in the sierras.2000.01.10
Favorite photos, 2001-2009A compendium of my favorite photos from this decade. |