Rayol Canadel Sur Mer
Saturday morning Boukarou Beach delivered on the kayak rental and we
paddled around the coves for an hour. The weather was nice, the water was nice.
Drive to Nice
Getting to Nice for our 14:00 car return and 16:00 TGV departure meant we could take the coast through St. Tropez, but then had to cut up to the motorway for the last stretch.
Drive from Rayol Canadel Sur Mer to Nice.
We stopped across from St. Tropez to check out the bay view.
The backroad into the motorway was great, reminiscent of the California central coast.
After returning the car, we caught a city bus to the
Gare de Ville where we had a couple hours to grab a pizza and check out the yellow vest(?) protest going on outside the station.
TGV was a super relaxing way to cross France. We did backtrack through to Marseille at normal train speed, so maybe it wasn't especially worth doing the drive and brief stop in Nice.
TGV from Nice to Paris.
On arriving in paris at ~22:00, we had an easy yellow line metro trip from Gare Nice to Tuileries, which was across the street from the
Hotel St. James Albany. After a quick shower, we walked a few blocks to get some late night eats at Le Royal Opera.
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