We flew up to Washington to visit
Jon and
Tori and Jack and Pepper.
The flight was almost completely uneventful.
Leaving in the evening was a refreshing change from all of our recent early departures.
Since our last Seattle
visit to dogsit Pepper,
Jon and
Tori added chickens, Rody, and also Jack.
On the drive up we stopped at
Snoqualmie Falls. The overlook was neat but it was even better to hike down and get our feet/paws wet.
The cabin was spacious and well-appointed, situated halfway between the lake and the tiny town of Ronald (next to the slightly larger town of Roslyn).
Cle Elum lake was scenic but for our sole 2pm visit it was subject to a constant driving wind. Danielle,
Jon, and Pepper didn't mind, they happily got in the water where the wind wasn't espcially windy. Before we left we got an impressive Chinook flyover.
Wind quote of the day went to:
Danielle |
I'm eating air!
two nights, a trip to Dru Bru brewery, and one bear, we headed back to the city, stopping briefly at Gold Creek Pond. This water was clearer and colder than Cle Elum, so only Pepper went in. We got an F-18 flyover that was rather loud.
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