The Wiil deal, Wiimendous fun, I dream of Wiinie. And so forth.
- This weekend was a pre-Thanksgiving with the roomies and friends. So the wiimote changed hands many a-time, and I've gotten to play about ninety minutes of Zelda. Alas.
- But everyone had a good time, even the girls. It wasn't the intense, violent, Mario Kart battle royale good time that the Cube afforded us. Wii Sports is simple, but that made it easy for everyone to get into.
The software has yet to catch up to the hardware, and that's my biggest worry.
Zelda was written for the Cube, so its motion control features are fairly shallow. I hope this won't be the case for new games and cross-platform games. In the case of Wii Sports, you're able to swing your club, throw a punch, etc. either using the real-life motion, or a flick of the wrist.
This leaves the control
a bit too sensitive at times. Hopefully future games will have a setting for people who actually want to use the motion control features and a setting for lazy asses.
- Wii sold out. In the good way. So did PS3 and x36. But there were a lot more Nintendo units to sell. Does this mean Nintendo has stolen market share from its pricier competitors? Does this mean Wii has established itself as the real deal for the new-gen console war (a.k.a. holiday sales)?
- Let's hope so. Not because it might do damage to Sony and MS; the three-front console war has done great things. Let's hope so because if Nintendo sells big, developers will take advantage of the motion-control technology.
- The hardware works. And it's the future. It makes pc gamers' precious mouselook seem sluggish and unwieldy. And it has the potential to solve the camera angle problem that has plagued nearly every post-Mario 64 game. I recall hearing rave reviews about the technology from Hideo Kojima - the greatest camera angle perpetrator of all time.
- Throwing and ducking punches is very entertaining, and my arms are just a little bit sore.
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