Storypost | 2009.08.27
Backyard greeneryPainting the terrace walls and pinhole shots at the fantasy draft. |
Nightsurfing part deuxThe last nightsurfing photo session was lots of fun and yielded some great, unique shots. The lessons learned were: |
Fletcher'sThe swell's a'comin'. Erik, Matt, and I went out to Fletcher's for some surf n' shoot. Then got pho with the White Lambda who stumbled into my large, empty house. |
Joe Van Cleave's Blog: Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2024 |
Pentax IQ Zoom 170SL: A compact "dad cam" from the tail end of the film era. - Urban Adventure LeagueI just got back into film photography this year, with the purchase of a Minolta Hi-Matic 7S rangefinder camera (circa 1966). I love this machine, as it gives me the ability to control exposure and focus manually, and makes great photos with its sharp Rokkor 1:1.8/45mm lens. But old rangefinders can be bulky, and the... |
All Guides & How-Tos articles on EMULSIVEGuides, How-tos and articles describing process, technique, film and gear a created by EMULSIVE and members of the analogue photography community. From shutter speed testers to large format cameras, we've got you covered. |