I finished drywalling the 6x4
loft made accessible by the closet removal. It still needs to be patched, textured, and painted, but that's a breeze.
What will it be? Storage space? Cat flat? Panic room?
I patched a couple areas on the lower terrace where the
stucco had bubbled. Doing stucco sucks, so I gave thin set a try. The front wall had a couple spots where paint had peeled off, so I
took care of that.
pup may be getting over his fear of water. On our weekly run he charged through the stream crossing that recently swelled and washed away its footbridge. His
display of courage emboldened
Jes to do the same.
I've given him free reign of the garage now. The first day went well, the second day he learned to open the interior garage door (but didn't thrash the house).
On the third day
he ate 31 (I counted) packages of Zack's Brainiac Snacks. Virtually none of it was digested. Curious how he got through so many, I gave him one and watched as he tore it apart with the grace of an intoxicated raccoon. He's considerably smarter now.
Mass Effect
There are reviews everywhere, a few other thoughts:
- Darkness is totally the new pink. Empire did it. Batman did it. The sequel is much darker and seedier than the first. Fatalism dominates the mood throughout while there's an emphasis on moral ambiguity.
- Hooray for feedback. No planetary rovering (though it was great in doses). No endless buying/modding/selling equipment that only differs by level number. Load times have decreased appreciably.
- I'm worried that the number of primary characters will make their back stories either tedious or shallow. Thus far, however, I'm highly impressed that they brought back the best ME1er (Garrus). I wouldn't be the first to say the Doctor is awesome for his grim pragmatism and rapid, streamlined, multithreaded conversation style.
- The combat system is a definite improvement over the last, but falls a bit short of combat-centric games such as Gears of War and Army of Two.
- The mid-cinema interjections provide endless fun, but being ready for them is mutually exclusive with stuffing Funyons in my gaping craw.
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My heart sank when i went to HMV at lunch and the guy told me they only received three copies of the special edition and they were all reserved. But he recognized me and started calling around. He managed to track down a store that had it. I went back after work and he had it waiting for me. Even God was seen to shed a tear of happiness that night.
I'm finishing up my PS3 game at the moment, hopefully will be done by tonight. I'm gonna spend all weekend playing this game in the dark, my phone will be off. My subwoofer arrives tomrorow, just in time for this game. When I was a kid and mommy told me there will be plenty of time for games when I'm grown up and making my own money. She must have been talking about THIS MOMENT.
Yesterday evening I paid CR an unexpected visit. The sight I saw was jaw dropping: CR wearing grubby sweat clothes tucked away in a sleeping bag on a bean bag chair playing D&D. Next to him was unfinished hot pockets and cereal.
The smell accompanying the scene was "30 year old unemployed guy living in parents' basement."
As I left his house, I experienced envy for the first time in a long time.
DAMN YOU CR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Super Sunday
Since Players has canceled the
annual Super Bowl event, we've been forced to relocate to a residence.
Feathers in the Cap - Players
- Waitresses > 0
- TVs > 1
- Draught beers > 1
Feathers in the Cap - House
- Entry < $75 Catered food
- Heated(?) pool > 0
- Allowed to shoot dice > false
- Nearest bed < 40ft
- Couches > 0
- Wait-dogs > 0
It looks like there may be an Axis and Allies match coming up. There's been some discussion on possible house rules that might even the field and emphasize creative strategies.
- Curt suggested ipc bonuses for quick turns.
- I'm thinking a roll for free tech at the outset and perhaps a few turns in.
- East African pirates.
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