Storypost | 2011.01.09

Weimaraner border collie beach dogs jump play

Friday was Ty's 29th.

Birthday cake

We tasted beer at his place and then tried some Karl Strauss Dark Helmet Schwarz Weizen. We capped the evening off watching the one and only Tad Sisler at The Manhattan.

Kaf and Lol spent part of Saturday at the beach.

thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner running playing thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner playing thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner playing
thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner wading
thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner running in the waves thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner playing thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner running waves
thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner playing thumbnail Dogs beach weimaraner licking

Dogs beach weimaraner border collie shore waves running

Sunday was the first game of flag football season two.

Flag football GO route

Since Arthur didn't want to play in a cast he shot some photos.

thumbnail Flag football catch thumbnail Flag football swat thumbnail Flag football throw thumbnail Flag football throw
thumbnail Flag football catch

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For Timothy Treadwell, the grizzlies of Alaska weren't just the world's largest terrestrial predators. They were his soul mates, his salvation, and his cause. Last October, when a 1,000-pound male tore him and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, to pieces, Treadwell died as he'd lived-by the bear

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