Gallerypost | 2020.08.01
Me | I... found one of those generic electronics houses on the east coast selling new-in-box for just a bit more than the used-but-perfect prices. I'm - of course - wary of internet retailers, but third party reviews looked good and I'm pretty confident my financial institution will go to bat for me if the need arises. |
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SnipingHow to build a carbon fiber monopod for a telephoto. Part 2 of my TLOU2 review. Some other stuff in the era of covid. |
RevisitingPainting the house from scaffolding, buying bonds, Barotrauma, RoR2, and Blaseball. |
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Above-average WednesdayA mega-gallery from Black's Beach during a nice swell. |
SwellShots from a few San Diego spots during the recent swell. |
Ikelite nightsurfingA nightsurfing photo session with an Ikelite housing and flash. |
My photography process - ?ukasz Wójcik, BlogMy list of (optional) steps for my photograhy endeavours. |
Nikon 58mm f/0.95 Noct: summary - the last wordLensRentals has loaned me a Nikon 58 mm f/0.95 Noct for testing. For the past couple of weeks, I've been reporting on the individual tests that I've been doing. The lens needs to go back soon, so it's time for me organize my thoughts. This is an outstanding lens. I've worked with f/0.95 lenses before, |
Jeffrey Friedl's Blog » My Photography Tech Posts |