After travel and catching up, things are getting back to normal.
A couple wildlife/roof incidents convinced me to
push tree trimming to the front of the queue . There is lots of greenery to clear out.
At poker night at Ryan's, he scrounged for a second deck and found a rather vintage option.
Jes took me out to see some tribute bands at Belly Up.
A little while back there was an
MD trip . I don't remember the name of the joint, but I was impressed by their moto art and Flying Dog selection.
Borderlands GOTY
The long-awaited
re-release of Borderlands 1 on PS4 has given J and I a huge wave of nostalgia. The game definitely holds up.
We blitzed a couple of playthroughs and have started Moxxi's Underdome and the excellent Knox DLC.
There's been a bit of PUBG action. I don't remember dropping dino park during an aurora, it's very pleasant.
Risk of Rain
When we get four, we are
still having a blast with ROR2 .
CattleDecapitation looked up some of the secret areas, such as the giant salamander vendor.
Fascinating story. Any chance you're nearing the end?
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