The Kevin Smith's Ankle Memorial Palapa has also received the apt nickname The Baby Stable. With the supporting structure
built, the
wall and roof materials arrived.
In a projectwide
effort to minimize wood-screwed-into-wood, I bought and prepped 1x4 mounting brackets for the walls and Simpson RTU2 2x connectors for the roof.
Once again I pulled out the paint sprayer for the
250+ pieces of redwood that arrived by flatbed. While the structural pieces are pressure treated, for these prettier planks it made sense to use clear(ish) Cabot stain.
Since the stain absorbs pretty quickly, I worked out
a system for applying to 2x2-12s without requiring insane amounts of space. Spray, wait, turn, spray. Each layer could then be leaned against the joists to dry. The 'wait' bit was actually spraying 1x4s in groups of six.
The structural pieces are somewhat visible from the deck and top terrace, but in the interests of longevity, I
applied Trex joist tape to take the brunt of the sun and rain.
For the roofing, I figured I'd do a very plum first row of 2x2s and offset the rest with a spacing template.
It should look pretty good when all is said and done.
Memes surge and the battle for the soul of WSB continues
_Jellyfisher |
Going through [the daily] thread is like walking through a bazaar and everyone shouting at you at once to buy a rug or a necklace or a fish...
WSB has two things in abundance:
- People post about their Python script to count ticker mentions
- Bots and bagholders spamming tickers
Cool cool cool cool.
The sub's signal-to-noise has tanked like a SPY put. What's worse,
the bots upvote each other so you can't even sort by quality. Mods finally implemented a few reactionary measures, moving popular tickers to a megathread and banning the word 'squeeze'. It's more a symptom of Reddit's larger authenticity problem, but it's allowed *some* good material to poke through.
... like crayon candles and advice on hallucinogen consumption during trading.
Ok_Kangaroo55 |
Word to the wise: do not eat mushrooms during market hours and assume you can see the future.
Stonks chat
On the blue-check-verified trading chat, I think
Zac and
Kevin are mostly just watching LTNC move between $0.00001 and $0.00003.
I'm still doing my thing;
selling calls on meme stonks, betting on energy, and bagholding Coinbase in the hopes that covered calls get me back to even.
A little more socializing
the gradual demise of covid,
Gage had a birthday party,
KO met me for beers, and
Danielle ate a caterpillar and touched a Starbucks cup with confidence.
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You just want me to get fired so you have a live-in nanny
Haha imagine.
I'd be a great nanny
Slaps kid's hood* you can fit so many cheeseburgers in this thing
That's not... I can't...
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