Investing, video gaming, internetting, parenting, learning -
the usual.
Bear market
dbgtboi |
Market Summary So Far
Fed in November: "We are going to crash markets by ending QE in March and starting QT shortly after"
Investors: "You can't time markets! Just DCA through it and you're good"
Fed: "No, I am literally telling you, you can time markets easily, I am going to start crashing them in March"
Fed: "Jesus Fukken Christ what a bunch of morons"
Pretty much this. For all of the wary investing I've been doing - from moving my 401k to bonds in 2017 to holding way too much UVXY while actively investing in 2021 -
I still got caught out more than I'd like in this recent pullback. The way it goes: TSM loses 10% within the week (my CSP/CC expiration) and so I hold as it slides lower. Now I'm either taking a bigger loss or joining DCA gang.
I'm not too worried, but
the key will be having enough dry powder to buy the upswing.

Reassess your risk tolerance, hedge better, quit gambling, see a therapist, call your mom, hit a bootycall, go for a walk, eat a healthy meal, get a full 8 hours, drink enough water, or just pretend youre okay and shove the feeling down deep in your guts, making you die slightly faster.
If I do a
June report card this year, it'll be totally misleading by factoring in unrealized losses.
kshot |
Plane market is absolutely fucked now too... no inventory, inflation.
I should have gotten into aircraft. Ah yes, and one more quote in memorium:
Franklin Antonio |
Don't make a big deal out of this. It is very simple math. As an engineer, you understand the math better than most financial type folks.
Elden Ring
We've moved up to mid-sized monsters but dragons are still a "hell nah". |
Last month I
described my "
Elden Ring moment". I think this was J's:
Unfolding the map
Mine and J's journey around the Lands Between in a word: meandering.
Mechanically, it's nice to have that freedom of nonlinearity enabled by easy, unlimited fast travel. That said, having this freedom of movement might do a
disservice to the game's immersiveness and contiguity. Referring again to the Zelda series, Ocarina was amazing because you'd unlock a new area and explore it to exhaustion (which in 1998 was far less exhausting). Then you'd hop back on Epona and neither-fast-nor-slow travel back to town.
In contrast, I find myself
wandering into one area, running through a dungeon, then warping back somewhere else entirely. This playstyle also differs from the linear-but-backtrackable soulslike games I've played,
Bloodborne and
To Elden Ring's credit, it follows the Fallout model of not gating areas by equipment or abilities, letting the player explore and inevitably be obliterated by overleveled enemies. But
it would feel more Souls/Ocarina-ey to not be able to fast travel away - except for maybe to a central starting point.
"Why not just play through like you feel like you should?" Glad you asked.
For co-op, you can't summon an ally into an area whose main boss you beat. So you can't Leroy Jenkins the castle and then mop up/explore later on, unless you want to walk back from somewhere else. So as you progress through major objectives, the explorability ceiling continuously slides down on the player (and his co-op buddy).
Of course, now that I've written that,
nothing sounds more soulslike than a ceiling lowering irreversibly on the player. Poor choice of analogies, but the argument remains.
Human learning and machine learning
Danielle's favorite things? Collecting berries and rocks, her wolf, her bear, and...
The Chris Ferrie series of impossible-to-say-unpretentiously "
[Physics/rocket science/information theory/etc.] for Babies" series. The books are kind of cute and
Dani frequently asks to read them. Meanwhile Daddy is doing similar studies:
Linkbacks and machine learning
Dating&lunar rocks&formula&one. |
A few months back I
listed a few referrers, including, "those sites that
crawl the web for images and attach autogenerated text to them in hopes of getting page rank and clicks." Above is another fine example of a
machine learning fail that links to this site.
I've idly clicked through a few more links and this comic completely applies. Don't at me, Rob. |
Some posts from this site with similar content.
(and some select mainstream web). I haven't personally looked at them or checked them for quality, decency, or sanity. None of these links are promoted, sponsored, or affiliated with this site. For more information, see