Storypost | 2020.11.29
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Processing tile: ( 0 , 0 ) at ( 16 , 0 ) Style source 0 Loss: 203719060.0 Using result Style source 1 Loss: 200921020.0 Using result Style source 2 Loss: 164412600.0 Using result Style source 3 Loss: 197183180.0 Style source 4 Loss: 155275980.0 Using result Processing tile: ( 0 , 1 ) at ( 16 , 238 ) Style source 0 Loss: 249554060.0 Using result Style source 1 Loss: 214680510.0 Using result Style source 2 Loss: 179050400.0 Using result Style source 3 Loss: 198226380.0 Style source 4 Loss: 183831140.0
'''Neural style transfer with Keras. Modified as an experiment. # References - [A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style]( 06576) ''' from __future__ import print_function from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, save_img, img_to_array, array_to_img import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b import time import random import glob import argparse import os.path from os import path from keras.applications import vgg19 from keras import backend as K def preprocess_image(img): img = img_to_array(img) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) img = vgg19.preprocess_input(img) return img def deprocess_image(x): if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': x = x.reshape((3, side_length, side_length)) x = x.transpose((1, 2, 0)) else: x = x.reshape((side_length, side_length, 3)) # Remove zero-center by mean pixel x[:, :, 0] += 103.939 x[:, :, 1] += 116.779 x[:, :, 2] += 123.68 # 'BGR'->'RGB' x = x[:, :, ::-1] x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8') return x def gram_matrix(x): assert K.ndim(x) == 3 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': features = K.batch_flatten(x) else: features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1))) gram =, K.transpose(features)) return gram # the "style loss" is designed to maintain # the style of the reference image in the generated image. # It is based on the gram matrices (which capture style) of # feature maps from the style reference image # and from the generated image def style_loss(style, combination): assert K.ndim(style) == 3 assert K.ndim(combination) == 3 S = gram_matrix(style) C = gram_matrix(combination) channels = 3 size = side_length * side_length return K.sum(K.square(S - C)) / (4.0 * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2)) # an auxiliary loss function # designed to maintain the "content" of the # base image in the generated image def content_loss(base, combination): return K.sum(K.square(combination - base)) # edge detector - sum edges will be how busy it will look def total_variation_loss(x): assert K.ndim(x) == 4 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': a = K.square( x[:, :, :side_length - 1, :side_length - 1] - x[:, :, 1:, : side_length - 1]) b = K.square( x[:, :, :side_length - 1, :side_length - 1] - x[:, :, : side_length - 1, 1:]) else: a = K.square( x[:, :side_length - 1, :side_length - 1, :] - x[:, 1:, : side_length - 1, :]) b = K.square( x[:, :side_length - 1, :side_length - 1, :] - x[:, : side_length - 1, 1:, :]) return K.sum(K.pow(a + b, 1.25)) def fidelity_loss(x, y): assert K.ndim(x) == 3 assert K.ndim(y) == 3 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': x_g = K.sum(x[:3, :, :]) y_g = K.sum(y[:3, :, :]) return K.square(x_g - y_g) else: x_g = K.sum(x[:, :, :3]) y_g = K.sum(y[:, :, :3]) return K.square(x_g - y_g) # Experiment with luminance #if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': # x_g =[0, :3, :, :], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) # y_g =[0, :3, :, :], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) # return K.square(x_g - y_g) #else: # x_g =[0, :, :, :3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) # y_g =[0, :, :, :3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) # return K.square(x_g - y_g) # Returns style layers - this is the default (all), I experimented with dropping random ones def get_random_style_layers(): return ['block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1', 'block3_conv1', 'block4_conv1', 'block5_conv1'] def get_random_crop(image, width, height): '''Returns a random subimage with the given width and height.''' # Crop to width and height, if specified. x = 0 if width is not None and width != image.width: x = int(random.randrange(image.width - width)) y = 0 if height is not None and height != image.height: y = int(random.randrange(image.height - height)) if x != 0 or y != 0: box = (x, y, x + width, y + width) image = image.crop(box) return image def eval_loss_and_grads(x): if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': x = x.reshape((1, 3, side_length, side_length)) else: x = x.reshape((1, side_length, side_length, 3)) outs = f_outputs([x]) loss_value = outs[0] if len(outs[1:]) == 1: grad_values = outs[1].flatten().astype('float64') else: grad_values = np.array(outs[1:]).flatten().astype('float64') return loss_value, grad_values def random_style_tile(): image = style_images[random.randrange(len(style_images))] return get_random_crop(image, side_length, side_length) class Evaluator(object): def __init__(self): self.loss_value = None self.grads_values = None def loss(self, x): assert self.loss_value is None loss_value, grad_values = eval_loss_and_grads(x) self.loss_value = loss_value self.grad_values = grad_values return self.loss_value def grads(self, x): assert self.loss_value is not None grad_values = np.copy(self.grad_values) self.loss_value = None self.grad_values = None return grad_values side_length = 224 # VGG19 is 224x224x3 # Iteration hyperparameters (modify these) iterations_per_image = 10 # Number of image traversals samples_per_tile = 3 # Number of style tiles to try per iteration iterations_per_sample = 10 # Number of style transfer iterations per sample # Use all png files from the style subdirectory, random 224 squares will be used # from these files to perform style transfer - so image size should be # approximately the dimensions of the content. style_files = glob.glob('style/*.png') file_id = random.randrange(696969) # Load content.png, the size of this image will significantly impact run time. content_image = load_img('content.png') content_width, content_height = content_image.size # Load style images. style_images = [] for style_name in style_files: style_image = load_img(style_name) style_images.append(style_image) # If this setup was run previously, use the existing output image. if (os.path.isfile('last.png')): output_image = load_img('last.png') else: output_image = load_img('content.png') # Compute the tile count/step size. There will be overlap and it should # be a good thing. x_tiles = int(content_width / side_length) if (content_width % side_length != 0): x_tiles += 1 x_step = int(content_width / x_tiles) y_tiles = int(content_height / side_length) if (content_height % side_length != 0): y_tiles += 1 y_step = int(content_height / y_tiles) feature_layers = get_random_style_layers() print('Style layers: ' + str(feature_layers)) # Number of times to cover the entire image (optimize each tile) for image_iteration in range(iterations_per_image): print('Iteration: ', image_iteration) # Randomize hyperparameters because I don't know what good values are. # Modify these/make them fixed. total_variation_weight = random.uniform(0.001, 0.5) style_weight = random.uniform(0.001, 0.5) content_weight = random.uniform(0.001, 0.5) fidelity_weight = random.uniform(0.001, 0.5) # Bump the tile a random value to do a smoother stitch. x_jitter = int(random.randrange(-16, 16)) y_jitter = int(random.randrange(-16, 16)) # Iterate over each image tile. for x_tile in range(x_tiles): for y_tile in range (y_tiles): x_start = (x_tile * x_step) + x_jitter y_start = (y_tile * y_step) + y_jitter # Post-jitter boundary check. if (x_start < 0): x_start = 0 if (y_start < 0): y_start = 0 if (x_start + side_length > content_width): x_start = content_width - side_length - random.randrange(1, 16) if (y_start + side_length > content_height): y_start = content_height - side_length - random. randrange(1, 16) print(' Processing tile: (', x_tile, ', ', str(y_tile), ') at (', x_start, ', ', y_start, ')') box = (x_start, y_start, x_start + side_length, y_start + side_length) tile_content = content_image.crop(box) base_image = K.variable(preprocess_image(tile_content)) best_loss = -1 # For each tile, sample the random portions of the style image(s) and choose # the best of the lot. for i in range(samples_per_tile): print(' Trying tile ', i) tile_style = random_style_tile() evaluator = Evaluator() tile_output = output_image.crop(box) # run scipy-based optimization (L-BFGS) over the pixels of the generated image # so as to minimize the neural style loss x = preprocess_image(tile_output) style_reference_image = K. variable(preprocess_image(tile_style)) if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': combination_image = K.placeholder((1, 3, side_length, side_length)) else: combination_image = K.placeholder((1, side_length, side_length, 3)) # combine the 3 images into a single Keras tensor input_tensor = K.concatenate([base_image, style_reference_image, combination_image], axis=0) # Reinitialize VGG19. There's probably a way to do this once and # improve performance. model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor=input_tensor, weights= 'imagenet', include_top=False) outputs_dict = dict([(, layer.output) for layer in model.layers]) # combine these loss functions into a single scalar loss = K.variable(0.0) layer_features = outputs_dict['block5_conv2'] base_image_features = layer_features[0, :, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :] loss = loss + content_weight * content_loss(base_image_features, combination_features) for layer_name in feature_layers: layer_features = outputs_dict[layer_name] style_reference_features = layer_features[1, :, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :] loss = loss + (style_weight / len(feature_layers)) * style_loss(style_reference_features, combination_features) loss = loss + total_variation_weight * total_variation_loss(combination_image) loss = loss + fidelity_weight * fidelity_loss(combination_features, base_image_features) # get the gradients of the generated image wrt the loss grads = K.gradients(loss, combination_image) outputs = [loss] if isinstance(grads, (list, tuple)): outputs += grads else: outputs.append(grads) f_outputs = K.function([combination_image], outputs) # With this content/style combo, use the style transfer algorithm. for i in range(iterations_per_sample): x, min_val, info = fmin_l_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss, x. flatten(), fprime=evaluator. grads, maxfun=20) print(' Loss[', i, ']: ', min_val) # If this is the first style sample or it's better than the last # use this output. if (best_loss == -1 or min_val < best_loss): print(' Updating from prev: ', min_val, ' < ', best_loss) img = array_to_img(deprocess_image(x.copy())) output_image.paste(img, (x_start, y_start)) best_loss = min_val # Reset the back end K.clear_session() fname = 'output_' + str(file_id) + '_%d.png' % image_iteration print(' ->', fname) save_img(fname, output_image) save_img('last.png', output_image)
Week |
d'san andreas da bears - Medieval Gridiron - |
Covid-20 - Password is Taco - |
Dominicas - Siren - |
1 |
Danville Isotopes 110.8 - 72.5 W (1-0) |
Black Cat Cowboys 155.66 - 78.36 W (1-0) |
TeamNeverSkipLegDay 136.24 - 107.50 W (1-0) |
2 |
Screaming Goat Battering Rams 119.9 - 105.9 W (2-0) |
[Random UTF characters resembling an EQ] 115.50 - 115.74 L (1-1) |
Dem' Arby's Boyz 94.28 - 102.02 L (1-1) |
3 |
Nogales Chicle 106.5 - 117.8 L (2-1) |
Circle the Wagons 100.42 - 90.02 W (2-1) |
JoeExotic'sPrisonOil 127.90 - 69.70 W (2-1) |
4 |
Britons Longbowmen 122.9 - 105.1 W (3-1) |
Staying at Mahomes 123.28 - 72.90 W (3-1) |
Daaaaaaaang 138.10 - 108.00 W (3-1) |
5 |
Toronto Tanto 105.0 - 108.2 L (3-2) |
Robocop's Posse 111.32 - 134.26 L (3-2) |
Alpha Males 86.20 - 76.12 W (4-1) |
6 |
Only Those Who Stand 108.2 - 66.7 W (4-2) |
KickAssGreenNinja 65.10 - 84.02 L (3-3) |
SlideCode #Jab 71.60 - 53.32 W (5-1) |
7 |
San Francisco Seduction 121.7 - 126.4 L (4-3) |
Ma ma ma my Corona 118.22 - 84.20 W (4-3) |
G's Unit 109.20 - 92.46 W (6-1) |
8 |
LA Boiling Hot Tar 116.2 - 59.4 W (5-3) |
Kamaravirus 118.34 - 109.94 W (5-3) |
WeaponX 113.14 - 85.40 W (7-1) |
9 |
SD The Rapier 135.0 - 90.8 W (6-3) |
C. UNONEUVE 117.80 - 90.16 W (6-3) |
Chu Fast Chu Furious 128.28 - 59.06 W (8-1) |
10 |
West Grove Wankers 72.9 - 122.8 L (6-4) |
Pug Runners 98.90 - 77.46 W (7-3) |
NY Giants LARP 75.24 - 75.06 W (9-1) |
11 |
SF Lokovirus 127.9 - 87.1 W (7-4) |
Bravo Zulus 116.34 - 45.50 W (8-3) |
HitMeBradyOneMoTime 107.42 - 89.22 W (10-1) |
12 |
Danville Isotopes 154.7 - 64.1* |
Forget the Titans 57.04 - 99.74* |
TeamNeverSkipLegDay 122.68- 91.12* |
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This one time, my buddy Keith, on a DARE, got a tattoo: "I'm a moron" right across his forehead, man. 'Course, he made two hundred bucks off that, ask yourself: Who's the REAL moron, huh? |
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